I'm not talking "Way to San Jose", either.
Stuff I've heard has been such things as
- Jeremiah was a bullfrog
- These boots are made for walkin'
- Riders in the Storm
- (what I'm pretty sure was) Paint it Black
- White Room
There aughtta be a law...
I'm pretty certain that there's a mismatch between me and the rest of humanity - one side or the other is about 7 degrees off from Reality.
a.k.a. the Hairy Nuisance, Fur-face, Useless Lump, Her Royal Highness, and a number of other things.
In short, my cat, Elf (shortened from L.F. which is the abbreviation of Lap Fungus).
She "suffers" from a surplus of personality and character:
"There are many intelligent species in the Univers. They are all owned by cats."
So, I go into a local coffee shop to cop a little wifi, and order a cup of "unleaded"...
Whereupon the kid behind the counter gets this deer-in-the-headlights look on his face. I then have to re-specify that I want decaf.
When I get it, he asks me "What's the deal with 'unleaded'? I heard about it in a science class, but I never really understood it."
After I explain to him about gas stations and Regular versus Unleaded, he understands the reference - and I realise that he never knew about gas stations offering anything but unleaded gasoline.
On the heels of that I realized just how OLD I am.