Sunday, September 9, 2007

Damn kids...

So, I go into a local coffee shop to cop a little wifi, and order a cup of "unleaded"...

Whereupon the kid behind the counter gets this deer-in-the-headlights look on his face. I then have to re-specify that I want decaf.

When I get it, he asks me "What's the deal with 'unleaded'? I heard about it in a science class, but I never really understood it."

After I explain to him about gas stations and Regular versus Unleaded, he understands the reference - and I realise that he never knew about gas stations offering anything but unleaded gasoline.

On the heels of that I realized just how OLD I am.



Erica said...

Don't feel bad -- As I had mentioned in a recent post, I have a colleague the same age as me who, up until he had died, never heard of Pavarotti. I gave her a pass for never having heard of Cary Grant, because he was from a gazillion years ago. I wonder if she's ever heard of George Washington or Frank Sinatra.

pamibe said...

Cary Grant a gazillion years ago? Now I've lost my unleaded thread of thought.

How sad for Cary.

Anonymous said...

Well cut me in half and count the friggin' rings, it never would have even *occurred* to me that younger people wouldn't know the origins of "unleaded."