I'm a 50+ general technology geek that got my start as an Aviation Electronics technician in the Navy (2/72 - 2/77). I was stationed in the Philippines for two years (2/73-2/75), and then was assigned as ships company on the USS Enterprise (CVAN-65, when I was aboard, the "A" standing for "Attack" and "N" for Nuclear - not politically correct terms, now).
Since getting out, I've been pretty much all over the country, doing all KINDS of stuff, including working as an Engineering Technician (supporting design engineers by building and troubleshooting/fixing prototype equipment). I still muck around with hardware (computers and general electronics) and software.
OMG...I loved it! And I'm so stealing it. (Yeah, I know, not honorable on my first visit to your blog...but what can I say? pIch vighajbe' QaPla!)
I'm wiff Missus Hoo! I'm 1st time visit your brogg now I'm wants steal Kring-on video!
Ruvved it looong time!
Great Reader,KIM Jong IL
DMZ Central Calif./NorKo
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